Understanding Trauma Beyond the Numbers: Integrating Trauma-Informed Practices in Family, Child Protection, and Juvenile Law

by Janice Beller

Author’s Note:  The author wishes to express her thanks to Judge Jack Varin, for his insight, wisdom, and knowledge on this topic, all of which inspired this article.

Title page image: man sitting down, a concept of mental disorder, sorrow and anxiety. Human hand helps. Sad lonely man in depression.

Whether a child lands in the middle of a high-conflict divorce or suffers abuse or neglect at the hands of a parent, each child comes to the courthouse already carrying the burden of adverse childhood experiences (“ACEs”).  Trauma.  Heavy burdens foisted upon tiny shoulders and vulnerable hearts.  Eventually, if left untreated, those children become adults and as adults, the untreated trauma manifests itself in a myriad of different, destructive ways.  Some of those ways can directly impact how attorneys work with these children and adults on family law, child protection, and juvenile cases.

Thus, it is incumbent upon every attorney practicing in these fields to understand what ACEs are and why understanding the scope of a client’s exposure to trauma is important.  They must also learn to identify potential trauma-triggered behaviors and ways to support clients with significant historic trauma while they move through the legal process.  Creating a practice which is mindful of trauma leads to better outcomes for adult clients, prevents additional trauma for children involved in legal cases, and fulfills our professional and ethical responsibilities.

Identifying and Quantifying Childhood Trauma

While no one uniform definition of childhood trauma exists in the literature, there is little disagreement about the kinds of events that trigger it.  If an incident or event is, “scary, dangerous, violent, or life threatening,” you have trauma.[i]  Over the last few years, child welfare organizations in Idaho attempted to raise the awareness of ACEs, with many articles written, workshops and trainings offered, and evaluation tools recommended for implementation.

Long-time Eastern Idaho Magistrate Judge Bryan Murray, in fact, presented an outstanding article regarding ACEs in this very publication back in 2020.[ii]  It provided readers with an easy-to-understand primer for what ACEs are and what kinds of childhood trauma drive the calculation of an “ACEs score.”  Since any explanation here would only be redundant, a short synopsis is provided in the sidebar.

List of 10 Questions to evaluate your ACE score.

Calculating an ACEs score.[iii]

Note, however, that childhood trauma and its measure using ACEs is more than a passing theory. Almost 40 years after the groundbreaking ACE study by the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente, the connection between childhood trauma and later-life wellbeing is doctrine.[iv] The study’s results have been replicated multiple times, and in some cases, researchers have begun identifying additional potential sources of childhood trauma.[v] However, the 10 original factors remain the same to this day.

Still, acknowledging the existence of trauma in children does not automatically convey a call to action. After all, what childhood is trauma-free? Why should a child’s or parent’s high ACEs score inform how court cases are handled? Why should family law attorneys care about a client’s ACEs score when gathering information early in a representation?

Identifying and quantifying childhood trauma is an important first step for each child or adult entering the legal system because one cannot fight what is not well understood. Remember, traumatized children grow up!  What fails to be treated as a child is left to be managed as an adult. Understanding the implications of trauma leads to better outcomes for clients and families and can make a significant difference in the attorney-client relationship. If understanding trauma makes the difference between a successful, constructive representation or a nightmare of a high conflict proceeding where professional and ethical responsibilities wind up challenged, the choice should be easy for any practitioner.

Traumatized Children Become Troubled Adults

The why of studying childhood trauma is powerful and should provide a sense of urgency to anyone in a position to assist children with trauma. Trauma’s pervasive nature and impacts on the human brain are well-documented; it is an unrelenting and devastating enemy. For any attorney working with parents, communicating “why trauma matters” is an important part of the education component each parent should receive as they work through their case. Whether handling a child custody or a child protection case, and regardless of how the trauma occurred, the impacts are exactly the same.

First, children with high ACEs scores suffer physical health consequences. They have documented higher occurrences of disease, including diabetes, cancer, brain damage, stroke, and migraines.[vi] Second, children with high trauma experiences suffer abnormal brain development. Depending on the age and severity of the trauma, the developing brain is fundamentally impacted in its growth.  Scientific studies have documented variances in brain size and in the size and functioning of key brain areas, including the areas that control emotion, memory, learning, and decision making.[vii]  Third and finally, they suffer psychological consequences. While it might be easy to understand that childhood trauma promotes poor mental and emotional health by pointing to the increased rates of depression and suicide, the damage goes deeper.

Traumatized children suffer from diminished executive function and cognitive skills.  They struggle to pay attention, regulate their emotions, learn new skills, and retain new information.[viii] These children also suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, which fills their young lives with visions of reliving the abuse, avoiding people, places, events, or situations related to the trauma, and overwhelming feelings of fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame.[ix] Imagine those triggers come from a child’s parents – a child’s home. Trauma-filled home environments can create hypervigilant children who cannot find sanctuary and peace in the one place meant to shut out our tumultuous world.

Additionally, children with high levels of trauma struggle to form proper attachments with the people in their lives. They may be unable to create or nurture positive, healthy relationships with other children or adults, and later in life, an inability to form romantic attachments to others. They may also experience a higher instance of antisocial behavior.[x]

And finally, traumatized children also suffer behavioral consequences. Beyond the behaviors discussed previously, children with trauma backgrounds have a higher occurrence of self-destructive behaviors including unhealthy sexual behaviors, criminal activity, and perhaps the least surprising behavior, alcohol and drug use.[xi] Looking solely at children in foster care, data from the National Youth in Transition database identified 27% of 17-year-olds in foster care were referred for substance use treatment.[xii]

Long term, childhood trauma perpetuates the cycle of violence and abuse in future generations. In my practice as a child welfare attorney, I commonly see children who were involved in a child protection case return to my case load as parents themselves. Mental health and substance abuse issues are a part of virtually every case on the child protection docket and the limited supply of treatment services is swamped by the overwhelming demand for them.

What Does Trauma Look Like in My Office or in Court?

Now that we understand that trauma has observable, physiological reactions, the next step is recognizing how these reactions appear as courtroom behaviors or during a client meeting. When in court, a parent or child experiencing a trauma response may sit stoically when asked a direct question. What may appear to be disinterest or disrespect by ignoring the judge could actually be the respondent disassociating or numbing as a response to the situation.

Witnesses experiencing a trauma trigger may shift to being overly agreeable, or openly defiant while offering testimony. Physical actions like jumbled speech or uncontrollable body movements are often interpreted by others as side effects of drug use, when in fact, the behaviors may be triggered anxiety, fear, or a rush of adrenaline as a person’s flight or fight instinctual reflex kicks in. Outbursts of emotion – particularly anger – can be borne from trauma instead of ego or poor anger management.[xiii]

Judge Jack Varin, a retired magistrate judge who served as a juvenile judge for the last 13 years of his judicial service, routinely observed these kinds of trauma responses in the children who appeared in his court.

Judge Jack Varin was an Idaho judge for 22 years total, serving in six of the counties within the Fifth Judicial District. After retiring, he served another six years as the Juvenile Court Director for the Administrative Office of the Courts.

He recalls many instances where he could see a child’s anger and overwhelmed emotions play out during a hearing. “I watched their eyes glass over, their fists clench, and I knew they were unable to hear and understand anything that was going on in court at that time,” says Varin. “I learned quickly that until the child had a moment to reset from the trauma trigger, it would not be possible to make real progress in the hearing.”

Court proceedings, depositions, mediations, and parenting evaluations are all critically important activities where the best results can hinge on how a parent or child responds to difficult questions and stressful, high-tension situations. The ability to remain calm, think rationally, and stay present in the moment are keys to a successful outcome, but a trauma-triggered client may be unable to regulate their emotions without assistance.

Additionally, if a client has disassociated from the activity he or she is supposed to be participating in, it may not be possible in that moment to knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily make decisions or agreements. When clients begin to show signs of behavior fueled by past trauma, it requires an attorney to take immediate action.  Idaho’s 2023 Outstanding Young Lawyer, Ashley Marelius with Breen, Ball, and Marelius, has seen this happen while observing a cross examination of her client at trial.  She described a situation where the examination began well, but she noticed that the client stopped mindfully answering questions and began agreeing with the questions asked by opposing counsel, even though Marelius knew those answers were not accurate.

“At first, I wondered what my client was doing, because I knew the answers were untrue or required more than a yes or no answer,” she said. “In the time I had worked with my client, we had a plan for the litigation and I knew what to expect during cross examination. Until things suddenly shifted.” Marelius shared how she asked for a break to confer with her client and during the break, learned that the shift in answers came as a result of a trauma-trigger experienced by her client.

During redirect, Marelius worked with the client to repair the damage and move forward, but Marelius noted, “I learned quickly how important identifying trauma can be, so that I can best protect my client’s interests in stressful, triggering situations.” She went on to note, “It is an imperative for attorneys to assess their clients for historic trauma. You cannot advocate for your clients effectively and protect their interests if you are unable to anticipate situations where their abilities to fully participate are compromised.”

This can play out another way in juvenile or child protection courtrooms, where the adults around a child play a vital role in the successful outcome of a case. After over 25 years on the bench handling both juvenile and child protection cases in Bannock County, Judge Bryan Murray has seen many examples of where untreated trauma impacted the ultimate outcome of a case. He recalled a family where a juvenile male came into court with his grandfather serving as a strong support.

“The man had his share of criminal history too, but was the only enduring male relationship the child had,” noted Murray. The hearing went poorly, because the mother was unable to agree to the terms of her son’s release and the juvenile engaged with the court in an aggressive manner.  This left Judge Murray with no option but to maintain the juvenile in custody, and this upset the grandfather. Ultimately, the grandfather behaved so badly, officers decided to take him into custody. Judge Murray recalled, “to avoid custody, the man faked a heart attack and was taken to the hospital instead.  Once at the hospital, he never checked in and left.  The juvenile had to work through the rest of his case without his grandfather as a support.”

Failing to appropriately recognize trauma-triggered emotions presented by a client and addressing them immediately can lead to detrimental consequences for both client and attorney.  Consider also an attorney’s obligations under the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct – especially Rule 1.14.[xiv] An attorney must take steps in these moments of profound trauma vulnerability to protect clients from making decisions or engaging in a way which is not in their best interest or flies in the face of a previously expressed instruction.

Addressing the Trauma Elephant in the Room

So, now we can quantify the levels and impact of childhood trauma, and we understand we need to do more than merely acknowledge its existence.  Our professional and ethical obligations require us to protect our clients at their most vulnerable moments. This is a great start, however, as the old saying goes, knowing is half the battle.

How do we support clients as we work to secure the best legal outcomes on their behalf? Obviously, each still retains the right and ability to call the shots, and sometimes, that means supporting someone in a course of action an attorney knows is not in their client’s best interest. Marelius recalled a past experience where a battered spouse elected to reconcile instead of continuing forward with a divorce.  While, she noted, the judge expressed visible disappointment in the outcome, Marelius challenges attorneys to remember the long game.

“We must not express judgment towards a victim and their choices,” she said.  Marelius added, “As much as it hurts and you know it is a grave mistake, you cannot do that.  The moment you show any type of judgment, you will never see them again.”  She concluded, “It is so important to create a safe place for victims to return when things go sideways again, which they usually will.”

Additionally, Judge Varin notes that attorneys are, by their nature, fact-collectors.  “Become aware of your objectivity,” he noted. “The whole idea of being non-biased is to glean information objectively. You have to know the information [regarding a client’s trauma history] first before you can decide the best way to proceed for your client.” Merritt Dublin identified the concept on objectivity in her excellent January 2023 article, where she discusses trauma-informed lawyering and working with the kinds of information often seen when working with clients with trauma history.[xv]

Recognizing the scope and breadth of trauma’s impact on the job we do for others consequently also underscores the need for more tools to help attorneys navigate these precarious waters. Our obligation is not to become mental health professionals. However, there are things we can do to “first do no harm,” and second, to provide better outcomes for our clients. We can ask questions in a way that accommodates for the trauma people bring with them to our doors. Next, we can use the concepts of resilience to keep trauma survivors focused and supported throughout the process.

Gathering Information with Trauma in Mind

Acting in ways mindful of trauma begins at the first meeting with a client. Addressing trauma in daily practice means that an attorney should seek out information regarding historical trauma as soon as possible in client interactions. Just as doctors take a thorough patient history at the beginning of every examination, attorneys must begin vetting their clients – adults or children – to determine the level of historic trauma that exists. Do not assume that a level of trauma is part of the legal process itself and chalk up misbehaviors to the stressors of the moment.  If an attorney does not feel comfortable asking a client directly about those life events identified in the ACEs questionnaire, listen carefully to the information shared by a client and glean from their input a quasi-ACEs assessment.

The language used in seeking this information is important as well. Normalizing trauma as a shared human condition can help children and adults feel less alone.  Taking the time to build rapport and trust with clients and witnesses can lead to better outcomes when asking the difficult but necessary questions later on.

Judge Varin also shared it is important to shift our thinking, when asking questions, away from trying to quickly identify labels for our clients, to understanding how their history shapes where they are today. “It used to be commonplace to ask a client, respectfully of course, a question like ‘What’s wrong with you?’ trying to capture things like mental health diagnoses, physical injuries, or defenses for alleged maladaptive behaviors,” explained Varin. “However, I learned over time that the better question to ask, the question that helped to identify trauma in a supportive, non-judgmental way was, ‘What happened to you?’”

In asking the question this way, a client or child is not seen as damaged or lesser, but instead is invited to offer insight. Dublin’s article identifies several additional key questions that are effective in getting to details often veiled in trauma, without inflicting additional harm.[xvi]

Utilizing Resilience to Combat Trauma

The American Psychological Association defines resilience as “the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.”[xvii] In short, resilience is an antidote to trauma.  While everyone has some level of natural resilience, those levels vary greatly over time and as a result of trauma exposure.

Cultivating resilience in children and adults with high trauma histories – people whose natural resilience has taken a beating – can make a significant impact in how a person responds to and manages trauma triggers before, during, and after they occur. Most importantly, cultivating resilience does not take professional training or advanced degrees.  The beauty of resilience is that a few little things can make a big difference in combatting trauma. Basic resilience practice requires actions in three main areas:  mindfulness, activity, and creating a supportive community.


While it would be easy to write a whole article on the benefits and practice of mindfulness, the kind of mindfulness relevant to this article is the concept of presence in the moment. When a person’s past trauma is triggered, their mind often returns to the sights, smells, memories, and feelings surrounding the trauma.[xviii] They begin to respond in ways that are incongruous with what is going on in the present. A person who was, in the office, bright and outgoing, engaged and articulate, may become withdrawn and meek, quiet or monosyllabic.

Or, conversely depending on the trigger, they may become angry and defiant, challenge authority, or suddenly demand an aggressive course of action that had been previously ruled out. They have returned to behaviors that allowed them to survive a past traumatic event and are not present in a way that reflects who they are today. The key is knowing a client well enough to identify the rapid shift in behavioral change, and to check for understanding by addressing the behavioral shift in terms of a specific trauma or trigger.

The mindfulness practice of grounding can allow a person to interrupt the trauma trigger and return to a focus on the present. The classic technique would be to ask the person to identify things related to sensory inputs; things they can see, hear, feel, or taste, right in the current moment. Depending on the context of the situation, however, that may not always be appropriate.

Sometimes, even asking a simple question like, “What are three things you know to be true right now?” can also begin to bring the person back to the present, interrupting a focus on things that happened in the past. Helping a person return to the moment can also help them restore a sense of control and deescalate from a “flight or fight” mode. Anything an attorney can do to interrupt and re-center a client in the present can prevent the person from making decisions or answering questions as they would when re-living the remembered trauma.

During court proceedings, an attorney recognizing a trauma-trigger may seek a brief recess or continuance. When used with the additional techniques described next, walking and talking with a client around the courthouse or giving the client a moment to speak with a trusted friend can help re-center and refocus the client in the present, and allow court to proceed as planned.


Helping a client return to the here and now is not always as easy as pointing out the disconnect.  Just as the body takes time to ramp up, so too, does it often take time to ramp down trauma-triggered behaviors. Activity is a proven tool to process the energy (stress) that trauma generates. Whether it is a moment of deep breathing and a stretch break, or taking your client for a quick walk around the block, activity after an identified trigger can help the body process the emotions that can lead to negative outbursts.[xix]

Activity is especially helpful for children, whose energy levels are already higher than adults and for whom processing excess energy can often lead to “teachable moments.”  If you are working with someone and trying to get through difficult information, integrating activity into that discussion – a walk, a bike ride, shooting hoops – can help with both the mindfulness component of resilience as well as managing the negative energy that comes with trauma. Activity can also give the person a healthy outlet to process the stress generated by the legal situation at hand.  As a bonus, don’t forget that by doing this activity with your client, you gather the same resilience-building benefits as well; a true win-win.


The final component necessary for (re)building resilience is the idea of community. Too often, people seeking assistance from the legal system – whether adult or child – come to our doors alone and without support. Children at the center of a child protection case, have often been caring for themselves, their siblings, and sometimes even their parents, without the assistance of a capable adult. Connecting children with mentors, school supports, extended family members, and consistent, reliable adults can provide them with social support and build resilience.[xx]

For adults, ensuring clients have access to professional mental health resources is important. Consider assembling a list of local grief or trauma counselors to give to every client as part of your initial service consultation. If you are aware of support organizations for which your client may be a good fit, pass along the information. Attorneys are well-connected and tend to hear about good service providers from the cases they work.

Connect clients with services offered through the local court programs like Family Court Services or community organizations offering low- or no-cost trauma counseling. Passing along a list of service providers, classes, or support groups of which you are aware is not an endorsement of any particular person; rather, a client service that offers an opportunity for community. Connecting into a community can help your client develop resilience and weather the legal process ahead. Ultimately, attorneys can be a key piece of the puzzle in leaving people stronger and more resilient at the end of the legal process, but it requires a commitment to the principles of trauma-informed lawyering discussed here.


Trauma responses are an inevitable part of the work attorneys do in family law, child protection, and juvenile cases. Making a diligent effort to understand the level of historic trauma present in the people we work with – regardless of age – is a professional and ethical responsibility. Ignoring the signs of triggered trauma can leave your clients or witnesses vulnerable at critical moments and ultimately make choices against their best interest.

By integrating resilience practices into legal practice, attorneys can protect their clients, fulfill professional responsibilities, and ultimately, deliver better results for clients. And long-term, integrating resilience practices give attorneys the opportunity to assist adults and children on the road to developing resilience. This, in turn, can have a profound ability to lift the weight of trauma from overburdened shoulders and break the cycle of victimization and abuse we see so much of today.

As the great poet Maya Angelou once said, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them[xxi][…] I’m not sure if resilience is ever achieved alone. Experience allows us to learn from example.  But if we have someone who loves us – I don’t mean who indulges us, but who loves us enough to be on our side – then it’s easier to grow resilience, to grow belief in self, to grow self-esteem. And it’s self-esteem that allows a person to stand up.”[xxii]

Photo of Janice Beller.

Janice Beller

Janice Beller served as a child protection guardian ad litem and spent seven years working on the child protection team at the Idaho Supreme Court.  She currently handles a child protection calendar in Canyon County and recently completed a term as the Chair of the Idaho State Bar Child Protection Section.  Squarely as a result of her son’s musical prowess, she now routinely spends time watching him on stage as part of the local metal band Reverie, and recently attended her first Metallica concert.

[i]  What is Child Trauma?  Center for Child Trauma Assessment, Services, and Interventions, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,  https://cctasi.northwestern.edu/child-trauma/  (last visited September 5, 2023). 

[ii]   Honorable Bryan Murray, The Pandemic of Adverse Childhood Experiences:  Courts and the Health of Idaho Citizens.  Advocate, June/July 2020 at 12.

[iii]   ACE Test Assessment, CarePatron, https://www.carepatron.com/templates/ace-test (last visited September 5, 2023).

[iv]  Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Center for Disease Control and Prevention:  Violence Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html  (last visited September 5, 2023).

[v]   David Finkelhor, PhD, Anne Shattuck, MA, Heather Turner, PhD, et. al., Improving the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Scale, JAMA Pediatrics, January 2013, available at:  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/1393429#:~:text=Using%20these%20items%2C%20we%20constructed,health%20and%20well%2Dbeing%20outcomes. (last visited September 5, 2023).

[vi]  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau, Long-term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Welfare Information Gateway, https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/long_term_consequences.pdf  (last visited September 5, 2023).

[vii] Id.

[viii] Id.

[ix]   Id.

[x]   Id.

[xi]  Id.

[xii] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau, Preventing, Identifying, and Treating Substance Use Among Youth in Foster Care, Child Welfare Information Gateway, https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/bulletins_youthsud.pdf  (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xiii] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US), Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 57:  Chapter 3, Understanding the Impact of Trauma, Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services, 2014, Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207191/ (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xiv] Among the many duties and obligations attorneys are expected to fulfill, attorneys serve a vital role in ensuring all who seek assistance from the legal system are protected when they are the most vulnerable.  Rule 1.14 addresses this specifically when it speaks of clients with a diminished capacity.  The rule and its commentary are very careful not to define “diminished capacity,” and this author would suggest that for this reason, our obligation as attorneys stretches beyond the strict definition of diminished capacity as someone with an intellectual or cognitive deficiency.  Indeed, whether a client’s diminished capacity comes from a cognitive disability present from birth, or an inability to think clearly due to the result of a trauma-triggered response, the rule requires an attorney to, “take reasonably necessary protective action, including consulting with individuals or entities that have the ability to take action to protect the client… .”  This is especially relevant when representing children, because a child’s first protectors are his or her parents.  In a child protection or juvenile case, those resources may be unavailable to the child, meaning that a child’s attorney has a heightened responsibility to safeguard their clients in this way. 

[xv] Merritt Dublin, Trauma-Informed Lawyering and Implications to Lawyer Competency and Professional Integrity, Idaho State Bar Blog, posted January 4, 2023.  Accessed at:  https://isb.idaho.gov/blog/trauma-informed-lawyering-and-implications-to-lawyer-competency-and-professional-integrity/ (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xvi] Id.

[xvii] Resilience, Psychology Today, https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xviii] Understanding the Impact of Trauma.

[xix]  Kelyn Soong, How exercise can help you build resilience at any age, Washington Post, February 3, 2023 at 2:28 p.m. EST, https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/02/03/building-resilience-exercise-stress/ (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xx] American Psychological Association, Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers, 2012.  Accessed at: https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience/guide-parents-teachers (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xxi] Maya Angelou, Facebook (September 14, 2017), https://www.facebook.com/MayaAngelou/posts/pfbid05aPXcZFRTwXDQUbQf4QmPwPRRoQYBJQCCExZ9FEkJeVTbKjemPfXe2xZVh5qJbvZl (last visited September 5, 2023).

[xxii] Maya Angelou, Facebook (January 24, 2022), https://www.facebook.com/MayaAngelou/photos/a.485196574795/10160860849374796/?type=3 (last visited September 5, 2023).

Civility in the Profession: Is it Gone Forever?

by Judge Robert L. Jackson

I’ve been a member of the Idaho State Bar for 40 years. The young lawyers probably think I’m some sort of dinosaur. My contemporaries just sit around and talk about our health – or lack there- of. However, we all have one thing in common – our profession. That is what it is; it is a profession and it should be recognized, respected, and treated for what it is. Many now behave like civility is no longer a core element of the profession.

My “legal” career has its roots back to 1974 when I became a Pocatello Police Officer. After six years as a “cop” I enrolled at the University of Idaho College of Law and joined the bar in 1983 working as a prosecutor in Power County with a couple of true professionals – Ben Caviness (de- ceased now) and Mark Beebe (full-time golfer?). That start instilled what honor meant. Those two gentlemen taught me that being uncivil, abrasive, abusive, hos- tile, or obstructive would get you nowhere in the legal profession.

My active legal practice continued until 2013 when I was appointed to be a magistrate in Payette County. Those 30 years prior involved general criminal and civil litigation either in a courthouse or in front of the Industrial Commission. Civility ranged from high to low depending on where you were in those three decades, which venue you were in, and the type of case you were dealing with.

Nearly all of the attorneys and judges I encountered from 1983 until the mid- to late-1990’s seemed to have that same basic approach to the way they dealt with their colleagues. Members of the profession strived to get along and kept cases moving – all without saying, writing, or publishing disparaging comments about their fellow lawyers or the judges they appeared before. Why did we transition from experiencing civility to watching such a stark deterioration?

Something started to change during the mid-90s and the Commissioners at the time felt that it was important to address the growing lack of civility in some manner. That is when the Standards for Civility in Professional Conduct came onto the scene and hit the Roadshow. I cannot tell you what the vote was on that issue but it did make it into the Desk Book! Today you can find those standards on pages 323 and 324 in the 2023-2024 Desk Book. You will NOT find them on the Idaho Supreme Court website!


Here are the contents of that 2001 resolution, in their entirety: Resolution 01-3 Whereas, uncivil, abrasive, abusive, hostile, or obstructive conduct impedes resolving disputes efficiently and incivility tends to delay and, of- ten, deny justice; and Whereas, voluntary adoption of standards for civility will not solve all problems in these areas, but it will help increase awareness of the need for lawyers to act civilly; and Whereas, lawyers, newly-admit- ted or season veterans, can benefit from increased attention to issues of civility and professionalism; and Whereas, the profession, our clients, and the legal system are benefited by improved levels of civility and professionalism; Now therefore be it resolved that the Idaho State Bar adopt the following “Voluntary Standards for Civility in Professional Conduct” as part of its commitment to the improvement of our profession.

There were several endorsers of this resolution including all of the Idaho Federal and State Judges, three Inns of Court, and two Practice Sections – the Family Law Section and the Taxation, Probate & Trust Law Section. Certainly, I have seen a good amount of uncivil behavior in those two arenas, but where were the civil and criminal litigators? Did everyone practicing that work get along just fine and never try to pull out all the stops (ethical and un- ethical) to get that “win”?

The second bullet point in the resolution forewarned of the anticipated in- effectiveness of what was only billed as voluntary to begin with. How many practitioners volunteer to do anything, much less adhere to a set of principles for which they do not believe in or whose practice methods are seemingly diametrically opposed to civility?

Forty years ago there did not appear to be many practitioners in the “uncivil” category. Today I believe it is a different situation. Of course, that is based mostly on my observation and interactions, supported by the plethora of articles written about this nationwide problem. I leave it to your own experiences to evaluate the extent of the situation. Surely, no one has been untouched by it.

I suggest the Standards of Civility, standing alone, were never and will never be effective to do what their creators envisioned. Why didn’t the promoters push these standards as rules at the time? Did they think the Rules of Professional Responsibility would find a way to enforce those civility standards? Would the Attorney’s Oath we all took never let us whirl out of civil control? Did they think rules would never pass? Did anyone think to propose them as rules? Was there a push- back from a faction of the bar that could not be burdened by behaving nicely? Per- haps some of the original endorsers can provide us with those reasons now.

Since 2001, the year the Civility Standards were adopted, we have had what I would call an outbreak, make that a surge, in uncivil behavior between all practitioners in the legal profession.

Social media and the digital age have made it even easier to engage in uncivil, abrasive, abusive hostile, caustic, snarky, acrimonious, contemptuous, mordant, or pungent behavior. It is now common as opposed to rare that one sees or experiences the vehement written word, the face to face encounters with their slurs and slams in the courtroom, and the briefs and motions written with nothing but vitriol as a basis. The ease and frequency with which one can engage in this uncivil practice makes the fix even more difficult. As mentioned previously, we all did take an Attorney’s Oath. Without looking at a copy right now, what did we all swear to do? Refreshing your memories, it says, in part:

“I will abide by all the rules of professional conduct adopted by the Idaho Supreme Court.”

I’ll save the topic of which Rules of Professional Responsibility may address civility issues for another article. That done, the only conclusion that can be reached is that person has violated his or her oath. Does that violation of the oath correlate to a Professional Rule violation? I believe in many instances it does.

I have touched on many ideas and presented several questions. The final question: is there a way to further address the civility problem in the Idaho State Bar? The obvious may be adoption of the Rules for Civility in Professional Conduct. However, there may be other options such as more use of the existing Rules of Professional Conduct. Perhaps more adherence to IRPC 8.3 – the reporting of misconduct. What about more aggressive use of IRPC 5.1 – Responsibilities of Partners, Managers and Supervisory Lawyers. Finally, should judges incorporate those civility rules into their scheduling orders? Do they have the authority to do that?

If you have ideas on the best way to treat this problem, we, the commissioners, will be happy to hear from you.

I want to tell you that I am honored to represent the Third and Fifth Districts for the next three years and want you to know I will be happy to entertain any bar related questions, suggestions, criticisms or comments you may have. Please feel free to contact us at Jacksonbarcom3.5@gmail.com.

I’d like to leave you with the following from a presentation made by Jerry Teplitz, JD, PhD, a speaker at the Idaho State Bar Annual Meeting in Boise this July. It is used with his permission.

Watch your thoughts – they become your words.

Watch your words – they become your actions.

Watch your actions  they become your habits.

Watch your habits – they become your character.

Watch your character  it becomes you!

Photo of Judge Robert Jackson.

Judge Robert L. Jackson

Judge Robert L. Jackson practiced law in Idaho from 1983 until going on the bench as a magistrate in Payette County in August 2013. His varied practice included criminal prosecution, criminal defense, assistant city attorney, personal injury (plaintiff and defense), medical malpractice, insurance law, and workers compensation

2023 Resolution Process (aka Roadshow)

Unlike many state bars, the Idaho State Bar cannot take positions on legislative matters, rules of court, or substantive rules governing the Bar itself at its Annual Meeting or by act of its Bar Commissioners without first submitting such matters to the membership through the Resolution Process.

The Resolution Process is set forth in Idaho Bar Commission Rule 906. Resolutions may be submitted by a District Bar Association, the Board of Commissioners, a Bar committee, or an individual member of the Bar. Resolutions submitted by a District Bar Association, the Board of Commissioners, or the Idaho Supreme Court are automatically included in the resolution process.

2023 Resolution Pamphlet

2023 Resolution Meeting Schedule

Important Dates

  • 2023 Dates:
  • 1st District, Coeur d’Alene Nov. 2 – noon
  • 2nd District, Moscow or Lewiston Nov. 2 – 6:00 p.m.
  • 3rd District, Nampa Nov. 13 – 6:00 p.m.
  • 4th District, Boise Nov. 14 – Noon
  • 5th District, Twin Falls Nov. 9 – 6:00 p.m.
  • 6th District, Pocatello Nov. 9 – noon
  • 7th District, Idaho Falls Nov. 8 – noon

2023 Mobile Monday CLE Series

Mondays in November – via teleseminar / webinar
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. (MT) / 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (PT)
1.0 CLE Credit per Session
$45.00 per Session

Join the Idaho Law Foundation every Monday in November for the Mobile Monday CLE Series. The series provides an outlet for distinguished Idaho practitioners, jurists and other industry leaders to present an array of diverse topics. The convenience of joining from your computer, mobile device or toll-free teleconferencing allows attorneys to participate regardless of their hectic schedules or location. Still working from home? No problem – join us from your couch or your dining room table. All you need is a telephone or device and one hour to experience new ideas and continuing legal education opportunity.

*This was a successful Mobile Monday Session. If you would like to listen to any of these courses on-demand, you may purchase individual sessions by clicking on the course links below.

Monday, November 6: A Look at the Office of Administrative Hearings and What is to Come
Bryan Nickels, State of Idaho Office of Administrative Hearings – 1.0 CLE credit – NAC Approved

Monday, November 13: Say “NO” to BURNOUT – Find Professional Fulfillment without Sacrificing, Ethical Obligations, Relationships, Mental Health, and Job Performance
Fonda L. Jovick – Lake City Law Group & River’s Edge Mediation – 1.0 CLE credit
Monday, November 20:  Winning Your Case with a Better Memory
Paul Mellor, Mellor Memory – 1.0 CLE credit. 
Monday, November 27:   St. Luke’s Defamation Case against Ammon Bundy and the People’s Rights Network
Erik F. Stidham and Jennifer Meling-Aiko Jensen, Holland & Hart – 1.0 CLE credit – NAC Approved

Your support of the Idaho Law Foundation CLE programming provides the necessary resources to fulfill the Foundation’s goal of enriching the public’s understanding of and respect for the law and legal system.

2023 Resolution Process (aka Roadshow)

Updated Mailing Address for Custer County

The mailing address for the Custer County Court has changed. The change is for the Court only, not the courthouse itself or any other offices.

Custer County Court

PO Box 1128

Challis, ID 83226

Notice of Opportunity to Submit Applications for the Position of Supreme Court Justice – Deadline 8/18

Notice is hereby given that the Judicial Council is now accepting applications for the position of Supreme Court Justice.  The Idaho Judicial Council is starting the process of selecting nominees to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of the Honorable John R. Stegner, effective October 31, 2023.  The salary of a Supreme Court Justice is $165,212.  Comprehensive information about the benefits afforded judges is available by clicking here.

Application forms are available on the Judicial Council website at www.judicialcouncil.idaho.gov.  You must use the 7/1/2020 application form.  COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OFFICE NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M., AUGUST 18, 2023.  Applications should be submitted to: 

Idaho Judicial Council 

P.O. Box 1397 

Boise, Idaho 83701 

Telephone: (208) 334-5213 

For hand delivery or via Federal Express, please contact the Judicial Council Office at the phone number above for directions. 

Immediately following receipt of the applications, the Judicial Council will circulate a questionnaire to the Bar via e-mail and to the general public concerning the qualifications of the candidates and will notify each candidate of the time and date for personal interviews.  The Council is currently planning to hold the interviews and selection of the candidates on October 18, 2023

2023 Annual Meeting Scholarships Available – Deadline 6/15

2023 Annual Meeting Scholarships Available – Deadline June 15

The Idaho State Bar is offering a limited number of scholarships to the 2023 Annual Meeting, July 19-21, at JUMP in Boise. The scholarships will include full registration, tickets to the social events and per diem up to $100 per day for travel and lodging. The scholarships are designed to provide assistance to those attorneys who, due to financial or professional circumstances, would otherwise be unable to attend.

To apply for scholarship, please fill out this 2023 Annual Meeting Scholarship Request Form.  If you have any questions, please contact the ISB Commissioner who represents your judicial district or the ISB Program and Legal Education Director Teresa Baker.

The Fourth District Bar, the Sixth District Bar and the Idaho Women Lawyers are also providing several scholarships.  If you are a member of any of these organizations and would like to apply for one of their scholarships, please use the same Scholarship Request form and the applications will be forward to the District Bar officers for their review.

Deadline for scholarship requests is Thursday, June 15, 2023

Amendments to Idaho Supreme Court Rules

Amendments to Idaho Court Administrative Rule 43a