Official Government Website

Idaho Lawyers Assistance Program

The mission of the Idaho Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) is to provide support for lawyers who are experiencing problems associated with substance abuse and/or mental health issues in a safe manner, preserving the reputation and trust of the attorney. All information is 100% confidential and will not be reported to the Idaho State Bar.

The program also focuses on educating legal professionals and their family and friends about the causes, effects, and treatment of alcohol and drug dependency, depression, and other mental health problems. Judges and attorneys volunteer their time to assist lawyers who suffer from these issues through the appropriate resources.

Reach the 24-Hour Hotline by dialing 866-460-9014. When calling this 24/7 confidential phone line, you will receive…

  • Guidance for lawyers in need of assistance or referral sources
  • Information relating to alcohol/drug education, mental health treatment, interventions, monitoring, and/or family support
  • Guidance for re-entering the workplace
  • Assistance in finding lawyers who volunteer time as a temporary replacement for those lawyers entering a treatment program
  • Recommendations for appropriate treatment centers

Who to Call

For assistance or to make a referral, please contact:

Southworth Associates
800 S. Industry Way

Suite 300

Meridian, ID 83706

Ben Seymour, CADC, Program Coordinator
(208) 949-0363
(866) 460-9014 – 24-Hour Hotline

Services Provided

Alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental health problems are treatable illnesses that affect a great number of professionals, including lawyers and judges. A 2016 study by the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation found alcohol use disorders and mental health problems are occurring in the legal profession at higher rates than in other professions and the general public. Since many lawyers and judges tend to be overachievers who carry an enormous workload, the inclination to “escape” through the use of drugs and alcohol is prevalent in the legal community. These daily pressures can lead to inordinate amounts of stress and mental illness. National reports have shown that a majority of disciplinary problems involve chemical dependency or emotional stress. The effects can be devastating – both to the individual and to those around them. Fortunately, there is help.

You are not alone – if you are concerned about …

  • Your own use of alcohol or other drugs
  • The use of alcohol or drugs by a partner or associate
  • A fellow attorney or judge who you see is affected by the use of alcohol or other drugs
  • You or a fellow attorney’s inability to handle matters due to depression or other forms of mental illness

… Contact the LAP for assistance.

Educational Resources
Idaho State Bar CLE Programs
American Bar Association Audio Webinar
  • American Bar Association Audio Webinar: I’ve Got Your Back; You’ve Got My Ear: Suicide Prevention in the Legal ProfessionProgram Recording | Material
ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs – Resources
ABA CLE Program

Model Law Firm Impairment Policy

Additional Articles & Informational Resources
Well-Being Resources

**The above programming is intended for educational purposes only and does not meet mandatory continuing legal education requirements in Idaho. You will not receive CLE credit for viewing/listening.

Upcoming Events

None at this time.

AA “Unbar” Group

“Unbar” Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

The “Unbar” group of Alcoholics Anonymous from the Washington State is welcoming members of the Idaho State Bar to join their community. This community offers support for attorneys, law students, paralegals, and legal professionals seeking recovery from alcohol addiction. The Unbar is an Alcoholics Anonymous group that meets every Wednesday afternoon from 1:15-2:30 pm Mountain Time via Zoom.

The Unbar has been around for decades and was founded by a group of attorneys who found that alcohol was their common problem. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. The Unbar is not affiliated with the Washington State Bar, the Idaho State Bar or any other organization apart from Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Unbar jealously guards members’ anonymity so that they can freely meet and discuss their recovery. Over the last several decades, hundreds of attorneys from large firms to solo practitioners to in-house counsel have participated in Unbar meetings and have gone on to the successful and sober practice of law serving their clients and community.

The Unbar is an Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program and is not a treatment program or medical resource, although it cooperates with such groups. Unbar does not report to treatment programs or employers, although on the request of a member the group secretary will sign attendance slips to show attendance at weekly meetings. Although the group originated in Seattle, it is now a statewide Zoom meeting and is welcoming Idaho attorneys, law students, paralegals and other legal professionals.

If you or someone you know in the legal community is suffering from alcohol abuse interesting in attending the Unbar Group, please email: Due to privacy concerns, we do not list our meeting credentials publicly. Your email will be replied to and meeting credentials will be sent to the email address that you supply.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Mack Mayo at

Law Student Chat Sessions

Law school can be stressful time for students and anxiety can be intense. The Idaho State Bar Lawyers Assistance Program Committee invites any law student to meet with its members one-on-one virtually to discuss any topic. The sessions are free and confidential and as anonymous as the student wishes.  Members of the LAP are available as follows:

Weekly Through May 17, 2023

Wednesdays (MT)

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

When you connect to Zoom you will be in a waiting room so that confidentiality can be maintained.  Please be patient and you will be admitted as soon as possible. 

Topic: LAP Law Student Chat Sessions

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 5879 2484

Passcode: 936871

For Audio Dial (253) 215-8728


LAP Committee Members

Jamie C. Shropshire, Chair, Boise

Phone: (208) 305-2344

Clint R. Bolinder, Boise

Phone: (208) 388-1200

Ronald D. Christian, Caldwell

Phone: (208) 571-2149

Yvonne A. Dunbar, Boise

Phone: (208) 344-5800

Jeremiah M. Hudson, Boise

Phone: (208) 345-7000

Matthew L. Kinghorn, Pocatello

Phone: (208) 478-2046

Dylan B. Lawrence, Boise

Phone: (208) 907-1529

Susan D. Powell Mauk, Boise

Phone: (208) 344-5457

Mack Mayo, Spokane, WA

Phone: (509) 638-3721

Hon. Victoria A. Olds, Nez Perce

Phone: (208) 937-2251

Andrea P. Patterson, Boise

Phone: (208) 947-7437

Hon. Gene A. Petty, Caldwell

Phone: (208) 454-7371

Julie Stomper, Idaho Falls

Phone: (208) 557-5211

Thomas M. Vasseur, Coeur d’Alene

Phone: (208) 664-4457

Cell: (208) 819-1100

Courtnay Lewis, Moscow

Cell: –

Law Student

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