Official Government Website

The Advocate

About Us

The Advocate is the official publication of the Idaho State Bar. The Advocate features articles written by attorneys on topics of interest to members of the legal community. It also provides up-to-date information regarding policy and rule changes, Bar and Foundation programs, CLE information and membership, and court information. A 12-member Editorial Advisory Board of lawyers and judges provides oversight and review of each issue. Each issue is sponsored by one of the Bar’s Practice Sections, or by special interest groups such as Idaho Women Lawyers.

Over 7,100 copies are circulated to the Bar’s attorneys and judges, to inactive members in other states, and to law libraries across the country. It is published nine (9) times a year and usually mails no later than the second week of the month.


Space and Rates

Display Advertising Rates and Specifications

Advertising Space Contract

Display Advertising Size Requirements
1/2 Horizontal7.25″5.5″
1/4 Vertical3.5″4.5″
1/8 Horizontal3.5″2.25″

Important Note: All ad text should be within a safe area 1″ from the margin to allow for trim and stitching. Full-page ads require 1/4″ bleed on all sides.


The copy deadline is the first working day of the month preceding the month of the issue.

Desk Book Directory copy deadline is three months prior to publication.

For more detailed information on advertising in The Advocate, visit our Advertising page.


Authors interested in writing for The Advocate are encouraged to contact Communications Director Lindsey Welfley. All content submissions are subject to our Submission & Selection Policy, Author Guidelines, and Publication Agreement, when applicable.

Submissions may fall into one of several categories, listed below:

Editorial Content

  • Long-form articles written about substantive law matters, or human interest topics that may be relevant to the general audience.
  • Please see the current season’s schedule for issue Sponsors, topics, and deadlines.

Letters to the Editor

  • Short-form response representing the opinion of the author or responding to ideas/topics raised by an article published previously in The Advocate.
  • Fewer than 600 words.
  • Submission deadline coincides with deadlines in the season schedule.

Around the Bar

  • Announcements of staff changes, promotions, awards, etc.
    • If provided, we will include firm name, location, the change that is being announced, attorney’s name, law school, practice area(s), and a high-resolution photo. The Idaho State Bar holds sole editorial discretion, should edits need to be made to fit within printing constraints.
  • Submission deadline is the 13th of the month prior to the issue publication month.

In Memoriam

  • When a member of the Idaho State Bar passes away, The Advocate will publish an abbreviated version of the member’s obituary or death notice, when provided.
  • Submission deadline is the 13th of the month prior to the issue publication month.

Active members of the Idaho State Bar will receive The Advocate as part of their membership benefit in the Idaho State Bar. The magazine will come to the address on file for each member of the Bar.

If you are not receiving the magazine or would like to, please contact Communications Director Lindsey Welfley.

For those wishing to get the magazine but who are not active members of the Idaho State Bar, the cost is $45 per year. To start your subscription, please fill out this FORM.

Desk Book Directory

The Desk Book Directory is a special supplement to The Advocate and is mailed in late April. It contains a roster of every practicing attorney in Idaho, the Idaho State Bar Commission Rules (IBCR), the Idaho Judicial Rules of Procedure, the Rules of Idaho Judicial Conduct, and the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct (IRPC). It also contains local rules and advertising.

The Desk Book Directory is also available online via the Digital Desk Book.

If you have questions or would like to purchase additional copies, please contact Communications Director Lindsey Welfley. You may also fill out and submit the Desk Book Order Form.

Article Reprint Requests

Articles published in The Advocate, the official publication of the Idaho State Bar, are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. The Idaho State Bar will generally grant permission to use or reprint copyrighted materials.

If you would like to request permission to reprint an article originally published in The Advocate, please submit a request via email to Communications Director Lindsey Welfley. Please include information about the article you’d like to reprint, as well as any relevant information about the purpose of the request.

An online, blog-style version of each issue is also available.

Past issues of The Advocate from 1957 to present are available for searching through HeinOnline.

The Digital Desk Book is a single webpage with links to the same content as the printed version. It is a convenient portal for accessing updated information, even on mobile devices!

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