Official Government Website

MCLE Accreditation

A course provider or an Idaho attorney may apply for accreditation of a CLE activity.  To apply for credit, submit the appropriate application for MCLE credit along with a complete course schedule – MCLE Forms.  The course schedule must include the topics covered and must have a full, time breakdown for the course.

We are pleased to announce our new online MCLE Application Form! Apply for course accreditation and pay any application fees online! You can also use our online Attendance Form to submit attendance records for approved courses that you attended.

Please note that MCLE application fees have changed as of March 1, 2024. No changes are being made to the rules enabling Idaho attorneys to submit MCLE applications for free. The MCLE application fee is $75. “Affinity Groups” (Idaho-based legal groups organized to promote the common interests of certain members of the Idaho State Bar) pay a $50 application fee. There is a $25 late fee for all applications submitted more than 90 days after the CLE has concluded. See Idaho Supreme Court Order in Re: Amendments to Sections of the Idaho Bar Commission Rules – Effective March 1, 2024. Please contact the MCLE Team with any questions.

Where can I find MCLE application forms?

The applications for MCLE credit are available on our website:

Other MCLE forms are available on the MCLE Forms page.

What are the fees for application?

The application fee is $75. Affinity Groups (an Idaho-based legal group organized to promote the common interests of certain members of the ISB) pay a reduced application fee of $20. No application fee is required for applications submitted by the Idaho Supreme Court, the Bar and its sections or district bar associations, the Idaho Law Foundation, Inc., or individual members of the Idaho State Bar. Application fees cannot be paid by credit card.

The $25 late fee is required for all applications received more than ninety (90) days after a course was completed. For attorneys, the ninety (90) days is based on the date the live or recorded course was completed. For course providers, the ninety (90) days is based on the date the live course was completed or the date the recording was made.

How are the credits calculated?

Idaho uses a 60 minute hour and credits are rounded to the nearest quarter-hour. No credit will be given for time spent in introductory remarks, coffee, and food breaks, business meetings, or other activities that do not involve educational aspects of the CLE activity; courses attended in preparation for, or prior to, admission to the practice of law; courses included in the curriculum of a college or university undergraduate degree program; or courses on marketing, client cultivation, general time management or stress reduction, computer training that is not specific to attorneys, general business topics, or vendor-sponsored activities designed solely to promote products or services.

Ethics credits may be granted for the following topics: Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct, professionalism and civility, client trust account administration, and legal malpractice prevention.

What if a course is approved in another state?

Accreditation in another state does not mean that a course will be automatically accredited in Idaho.  Application for Idaho MCLE accreditation must be made.

Do speakers or teachers get credit?

Idaho State Bar members who teach other attorneys at ISB approved courses may apply for teaching credit after the course is held.  To apply for credit, submit an Application for Teaching Credit along with a complete course schedule.  The course schedule must include the topics covered, a full, time breakdown for the course and must show what portions the attorney taught.  Allow 3-4 weeks for processing.

Can I get credit for publishing legal writing?

Published legal writing authored by attorneys may qualify for CLE credit if the writing contributes to the attorney’s legal education; is intended for an attorney audience; and is an original writing that is published, in print or electronically, in a professional legal journal or publication. To apply for credit, submit an MCLE Writing Credit Application along with a copy of the writing.  Allow 3-4 weeks for processing. For more information, visit our Published Legal Writing Credit page.

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