Official Government Website

Bar Counsel

View the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct in their entirety.

View the Idaho Bar Commission Rules in their entirety, including rules governing attorney discipline.

Get your questions answered regarding filing a grievance against an Idaho attorney.

Use this form to request disciplinary records for Idaho attorneys.

Public discipline sanctions are posted to the Idaho State Bar’s website as they are issued.

Learn more about the Client Assistance Fund and its purpose to reimburse members of the public for losses.

Learn more about the Fee Arbitration process and what it means for you and your clients.

Read the formal ethics opinions issues by the Idaho State Bar Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility from 1944 to 1994.

Get more information on ARTAO.

More information on the Unauthorized Practice of Law in the state of Idaho.

Ethics Advice

Attorneys who have questions about the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct can contact Bar Counsel’s Office at 208-334-4500.

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