Need help with Online CLE access?

To view the webcast or on-demand seminars, you will need to login to your FastCLE account. You can click HERE and it will take you to the login page. Here you will enter your email address and password in the Existing Account Login section, then proceed into your Streaming Classroom. Here is where you will find all of the sessions that you have registered for.

Keep in mind, these are LIVE webcasts and only available to view at their specific times. We suggest logging into your account several days prior to the webcast and also 15-20 minutes prior to each live webcast just in case you have any technical issues. The programs typically run better using Firefox or Google Chrome. If you have any issues logging in, please check the detailed instructions at the button below. These instructions will take you page by page through your account. If you still need assistance then please call our office.

Federal Bar Association CLE- The Unrelenting and Unbroken Battle to Earn and Protect the Right to Vote

United States Magistrate Judge Opening

The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time U.S. Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court, District of Idaho. The position will be created by the planned retirement of Judge Ronald E. Bush on June 10, 2021 and located in Boise, ID.
To apply a cover letter, resume, and application form must be received no later than 5:00 PM MST on Friday September 18, 2020. Please refer to the previous page under “Application Information” to access the Magistrate Judge Application.
Application materials may be submitted via email to:
Or by mail to:
Stephen Kenyon, Clerk
U.S. Courts, District of Idaho
550 W. Fort Street
Suite 400
Boise, ID 83724

Full Public Notice PDF
If you have any issues with the application form, or any questions regarding the application process, please email

Fee Arbitration Panelists Needed

Bar Counsel’s Office is in need of new fee arbitration panelists. The Idaho State Bar’s Fee Arbitration Panels review matters submitted to fee arbitration by clients disputing fees charged by their lawyer. Panels are held in various districts and are formed as needed. If the filed dispute is for $2,500 or less, it is assigned to a one lawyer panel; if the filed dispute is for more than $2,500, it is assigned to a three-member panel including one non-lawyer.

If you are interested in volunteering as a fee arbitration panelist, please contact Melody Smart.

United States District and Bankruptcy Courts, District of Idaho – Appointment of Lawyer Representative

The Judges of the United States District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Idaho intend to appoint a Lawyer Representative to serve on the Ninth Circuit Conference for a three-year term to replace Robert Faucher. For more information and to apply, please read the full memo linked below:

Notice To: Interested Members of the Idaho State Bar

Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers Applications Now Available – Due August 10


The Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (IALL) is now accepting applications for the Class of 2020-2021.

IALL is a highly selective and well-regarded leadership training program for lawyers from Idaho. It brings together some of the best and brightest attorneys in Idaho and teaches them leadership skills that they can use to improve the legal profession and transform their communities.

The mission of IALL is to promote diversity and inspire the development of leadership within the legal profession. IALL will bring together lawyers from different practice areas with a variety of backgrounds from all across Idaho. IALL will build upon the participant’s leadership skills and promote leadership experience by:

  • Teaching accepted and recognized leadership skills and philosophies;
  • Fostering professional relationships within the Idaho legal community and the greater community;
  • Promoting professional obligations and community service; and
  • Raising awareness among lawyers of the broad range of issues and challenges facing leaders today.

For more information, please visit the IALL Webpage, here: Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers


You may submit your application via email to Teresa Baker at

Federal Bar Association Brown Bag CLE: Effective Virtual Litigation and Mediation During the Pandemic

Learn more about Access to Justice Idaho

Access to Justice Idaho raises funds to support Idaho Legal Aid Services (ILAS), the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (IVLP) and DisAbility Rights Idaho (DRI) — the three principle providers of civil legal services for poor and vulnerable Idahoans.  The need for free legal services is constant and increasing. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has left one in seven Idaho workers unemployed. Many who were seemingly secure, now face evictions, foreclosures, crippling medical bills without health insurance and a myriad of unexpected legal problems.  This year, more than ever, the low-income beneficiaries of Access to Justice need your help.

Learn more and donate by clicking HERE.

Concordia University School of Law closing

Concordia University School of Law will close permanently at the end of the summer term as part of the closure of Concordia University-Portland. Although the University had signed a letter of intent in February to transfer the School of Law to Concordia St. Paul, the parties were unable to consummate the transaction.

You can read the full press release HERE.

Idaho Legislature Session info and 2020 Code Sections Affected

For information about the Code Sections affected by the 2020 Legislative Session, click the link below. Code citation, action, bill number, and session law chapter numbers are shown for bills passed during the 2020 Legislative Session.

2020 Code Sections Affected