Idaho Supreme Court Public Comment Regarding Disqualification Without Cause – Deadline 8/4

Hilarity For Charity – 9/14

Amendments of Idaho Court Rules – Effective July 1, 2023

Amendments to the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure – Effective July 1, 2023

Amendment of the Idaho Rules for Treatment Courts – Effect. July 1, 2023

Please see below the following order, effective July 1, 2023.

Domestic Violence Community Training Registration Now Open

Amendments and Adoption of New Idaho Rules of Family Law Procedure

Please see below for Amendments, and Adoption of New Idaho Rules of Family Law Procedure 604, 814, 816 and Appendix A

Amendments to Idaho Bar Commission Rules

Idaho Judicial Council Vacancy Plans

The Idaho Judicial Council currently has five judicial vacancies to assist the Governor in filling over the next few months. This process has been complicated by the recent legislation adding membership to the Council at the same time other member terms are expiring or vacant. Until those governor appointments are made after July 1, it is difficult to schedule available days for interviews for the various positions.

The Council is interviewing the candidates to replace Judge Reardon in the 4th District in Boise on June 21.  Applications for the 6th District position to replace Judge Brown have now closed. Due to the limited number of applicants and the difficulty in scheduling travel, and to move the process along, the Council has decided to do those interviews utilizing Zoom on August 10. In order to meet the obligation to conduct public interviews, they will be livestreamed.

The Council has decided to move forward with the Supreme Court vacancy before the Court of Appeals position, staging them a few weeks apart. Applications for the Supreme Court will open approximately August 2 and close on August 22, with interviews to take place in Boise on October 18.

The Court of Appeals position will be open approximately August 18 to September 6 with anticipated interviews in November. Hopefully the Governor’s selection will be able to assume the position around the first of next year.

The Council has not yet had the opportunity to consider the schedule for the vacancy created by Judge Courtney’s resignation in the 3rd District. I expect that it will be in line after the Court of Appeals position.

Jeff M. Brudie

Executive Director

Idaho Law Review