Survey Now Available – Courtrooms of the Future: Remote & In-Person Hearings – Deadline 9/1

Help Shape the Future of Idaho’s Courtrooms

As the legal and technological landscape continues to evolve, the Idaho Supreme Court’s Making the Record Workgroup seeks to understand the preferences and opinions of attorneys and judges regarding whether certain types of hearings should be presumptively in-person or presumptively remote.

Please follow the link that was emailed to you on August 21st for a brief survey on your views regarding which hearings should be held in-person or remotely. The information you provide will be used to identify common views on remote hearings and help guide potential rule amendments.

You will have until Friday, September 1st to respond to the survey.

Again, thank you for your help with this important work!

If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to Cherie Carter, Research & Evaluation Analyst. If you have questions about the Making the Record Workgroup, you can contact Jared Hoskins, Director of Court Management