Setting Our Path for the Future by Fonda L. Jovick

Idaho Law Foundation 2024 Cover Photo

by Fonda L. Jovick, President, Idaho Law Foundation

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and are as excited as I am to head into the year.

As I face the new year, one of my first tasks is to catch up our membership on the work we have completed and preview what the Idaho Law Foundation will do in the upcoming year. I know this may come across as a little too inside baseball in a way that only connects with others who write a lot, but sometimes when I try to craft my President’s message, I have a little period of panic where I’m not sure what I’m going to communicate.

What can I share with you about our work at the Foundation that hasn’t already been said by others that came before me? How do I impart a message that explains just how much Foundation programs do for communities across Idaho? How can I help readers understand the importance of our work and invite them to join in? That’s a lot of heavy lifting for a short article, but I’m always game to give it a shot.

One of my go-to methods for sparking creativity and getting the juices flowing is to look for a good quote to use as a starting point. I fire up the old Google machine, wonder how we would have done this research pre-internet, and type in my search parameters. I searched “New Year’s Quotes” and came across this gem from Abraham Lincoln: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” I confess, I’m not sure why this is a New Year quote, but it did resonate with me and inspired me to think about our work in a new way.

Typewriter with Lincoln quote from article.

Review of 2023

I love the idea that the past is prologue; that the precedence we set with the work we have done, helps determine our success for the future. In my time at the Foundation, I’ve seen this concept materialize. Foundation programs continually turn to our mission of increasing access to legal services and enhancing public understanding of the law as their touchstone. It has allowed our work to have consistency over the years. But it also provides us with a strong platform for being able to innovate. We know the core of our mission and we stick with it while trying to find new ways to share that mission with the public.

As we look back on 2023, we can see what we have created through our work at the Foundation. Here are some highlights:

• 594 donors gave $124,416 to the Foundation and our programs.
• 567 volunteers served 5,700 volunteer hours.
• The Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program processed 3,371 requests for pro bono legal services, opened 803 cases, and provided legal services for 846 individuals and families.
• Law Related Education hosted a Constitution Day Event attended by 667 people including 118 attorneys, 18 non-attorney community members, and 527 students from 14 schools.

Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program

In 2023, the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (“IVLP”) was proud to expand their Lawyer in the Library clinics to serve low-income individuals and families in all parts of Idaho. In 2024, IVLP will focus on outreach to attorneys interested in committing to the growing need for volunteers available to take on full pro bono representation and clear the back log of numerous applicants waiting for attorney assistance. As part of this effort, IVLP will transition to a new placement software called Paladin that allows for IVLP to post opportunities ranging from advice and counsel to litigation in one place.

Law Related Education

In the year to come, Law Related Education (“LRE”) will continue to bolster civic education in Idaho. From mock trial to Constitution Day to our popular 18 in Idaho publication and website, LRE will ensure that Idaho students have access to better understand the law and our legal system. In 2024, LRE will launch a middle school mock trial program and develop the new Seniors & the Law publication.

Looking Ahead

The Idaho Law Foundation has been creating the future for 49 years. So, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that a year from now, in 2025, we will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Stay tuned for more information throughout this year on how you can help us honor this important anniversary.

As it has been every year, I am confident that the Idaho Law Foundation has laid the groundwork for a successful 2024 and beyond. And of course, we know that we can rely on you, our Idaho attorneys, as our partners in this important work. To that end, we ask that you consider supporting our programs. You can donate when you fill out your annual licensing form or visit us online at to donate or sign up to volunteer for one of our programs.

As I sit here considering my involvement with the Idaho Law Foundation, I can share that I am proud to be part of an organization that does such good work in all parts of Idaho. It’s a joy and honor to get to work with the staff, Board, and volunteers who participate in the Foundation. As we set our path for the future, I invite you to be part of it.

If you have any questions about the Foundation or our programs, contact Carey Shoufler at

Fonda L. Jovick

is President of the Idaho Law Foundation. She graduated from Gonzaga University School of Law and is a founding member and managing partner at Lake City Law in Coeur d’Alene. Her practice focuses on estate planning, probate, and trust work as well as representing municipalities and governmental entities in addition to maintaining a mediation President of the Idaho Law Foundation. She graduated from Gonzaga University School of Law and is a founding member and managing partner at Lake City Law in Coeur d’Alene. Her practice focuses on estate planning, probate, and trust work as well as representing municipalities and governmental entities in addition to maintaining a mediation practice.