Electronic Filing in the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is moving to the new electronic filing system and, beginning June 4, 2018, briefs, motions, original petitions, etc., may be filed electronically with the Supreme Court.  In anticipation of this move, the E-Filing Rule has been amended with the addition of a new section on “Appeals to the Supreme Court”.  Filing in accord with this new section is permissive as of June 4, 2018, and mandatory as of July 2, 2018.  As always, the E-filing rule only applies to those who are in counties and district courts that have approval from the Supreme Court to accept filings electronically.   The order with the new section on appeals is on the Supreme Court website at https://isc.idaho.gov/rules/E-Filing_Order_Adopting_App_Section_06.04.18.pdf.