Program Report: Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program by Jennifer M. Schindele

In July, at the Idaho State Bar Annual Meeting, I had the pleasure of sharing the success we’ve had with the in-person, Lawyer in the Library legal clinics. In the last year, the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (“IVLP”), through volunteer attorneys, was able to provide free legal advice and counsel to over 483 low-income Idahoans at their local libraries. These Idahoans were unable to afford to pay for legal services and most lived in households with annual incomes at or below 125 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.

Our clinic participants generally attend clinics seeking advice on family law, housing, and consumer issues—although occasionally we specialize our clinics in one area of law. Currently, legal clinics are held statewide but if a participant is unable to travel to an offered clinic, we will attempt to find a volunteer attorney to answer legal questions over the telephone with a brief call.

While I am encouraged by the accomplishments of these clinics, we greatly need attorneys to assist clients in court. Court representation opportunities are posted on the Idaho Law Foundation website and can be found here:!/idaho-volunteer-lawyers-program/opportunities/.

“Pro Bono Week is an opportunity to
show appreciation for the remarkable
pro bono work being done by volunteer
lawyers and legal professionals.”

Golf for Justice

The Access to Justice Idaho Campaign raises funds to support IVLP, Idaho Legal Aid Services, and DisAbility Rights Idaho—the three principal providers of civil legal services for low-income and vulnerable Idahoans. This year, the campaign is holding its first Golf for Justice event.

This event is a statewide golf tournament in a four-person scramble format. Participating attorneys play a round of golf with friends and colleagues anytime between July 26th and September 30th and turn in their scorecard with a $50.00 donation from each team member. This fundraiser is bound to make raising money for Access to Justice fun and exciting!

To enter this event or to find more information, visit the Idaho State Bar/Idaho Law Foundation website. There is no limit on the number of rounds you can submit, and prizes will be awarded.

Pro Bono Week

Planning for this years’ Pro Bono Week is in full swing. Every October, the American Bar Association (“ABA”) holds a week-long celebration for pro bono. Pro Bono Week is an opportunity to show appreciation for the remarkable pro bono work being done by volunteer lawyers and legal professionals. The upcoming Pro Bono Week is October 20th-26th.

According to the ABA, pro bono work is a professional responsibility and an individual ethical commitment of each lawyer. Numerous organizations nationwide are celebrating Pro Bono Week through outdoor events, video contests, and social media campaigns.

We really can’t do enough to show our appreciation for the important pro bono work given by Idaho attorneys. It’s clear that many attorneys are committed to pro bono work! Thank you.

Jennifer M. Schindele is the Director of the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program. After spending over 16 years practicing family law, Jennifer joined IVLP. Jennifer earned an English degree at the University of Idaho and completed law school at the University of Idaho College of Law. Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family, playing soccer, and exploring Idaho’s outdoors.